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3 Benefits of Healthy Weight Loss for Chronic Pain

3 Benefits of Healthy Weight Loss for Chronic Pain

Chronic pain is an uncomfortable reality for millions of Americans, with about 21% of adults dealing with painful symptoms on a daily or near-daily basis. On top of that, nearly 10% have high-impact chronic pain with symptoms that interfere with regular daily activities.

Lots of factors can contribute to chronic pain, including underlying medical problems like fibromyalgia and chronic regional pain syndrome. But for many people, chronic pain is associated with another common health problem that affects about three-quarters of Americans — carrying extra pounds.

In fact, recent research shows that losing excess pounds can have a marked effect on chronic pain, with researchers recommending weight-loss treatment as part of an overall pain management strategy.

At Jersey Integrative Health and Wellness, our team is dedicated to helping our patients find real, workable solutions for chronic pain, including pain associated with being overweight or obese. Here, learn about three key ways healthy weight loss could help you finally find relief for nagging chronic pain.

Reduced joint strain

Lots of chronic pain is caused by joint-related problems like arthritis, a chronic medical condition that happens when the protective layer of cartilage inside your joints breaks down. 

Osteoarthritis is the most common type of arthritis, occurring when years of joint wear and tear cause cartilage to break down and form wear spots. Other kinds of arthritis are caused by injuries or autoimmune diseases.

Arthritis can happen in any joint, but it’s more common in weight-bearing joints that are subjected to lots of repeated stress. In fact, for every 10 pounds of extra weight you’re carrying, you’re putting up to 60 pounds of extra pressure on those joints. 

Losing weight decreases that excess pressure and strain, so it’s not surprising that it can also reduce joint pain symptoms significantly. You don’t need major weight loss to see benefits, either. Experts suggest a 10% decrease in weight can help relieve joint pain and prevent painful symptoms in the future.

Reduced inflammation

Most people think of fatty tissue (or adipose tissue) as being inert or inactive. But research shows fat is surprisingly active, producing a host of hormones that perform a variety of functions, including functions that worsen or lead to inflammation.

Inflammation can be limited to the fat tissue itself or it can be widespread. In either case, the inflammatory response and its effects can lead to increased pain and a worsening of underlying conditions, such as arthritis.

Conversely, healthy weight management is associated with lower levels of inflammation and decreased pain-related symptoms. As with joint strain, modest weight loss can yield big benefits when it comes to controlling inflammation.

Improved sleep

Sleep plays a critical role in providing the body with the time it needs to recover from injuries and heal and rejuvenate damaged tissues. Unfortunately, being overweight or obese can have a major impact on your ability to get restful sleep regularly. 

People who are overweight are more likely to have obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), a chronic condition that interrupts your breathing hundreds of times a night, with interruptions so brief, you may not realize they’re happening. They’re also more prone to nighttime heartburn or gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), another factor that can interfere with sleep.

Inadequate sleep makes it harder for your body to recover and heal itself, but it also makes it harder to cope with pain. That means the symptoms you experience may feel worse and be harder to manage than if you have healthy sleep habits.

Losing weight helps reduce or eliminate nighttime symptoms that interfere with sleep, giving your body the time it needs to recover. It also makes it easier to deal with pain and to manage it proactively.

Personalized pain relief treatment

Chronic pain can take a serious toll on your physical health and your emotional wellness, too. Fortunately, our team is skilled in helping patients relieve chronic pain, improve mobility, and restore a better quality of life.

To learn more about pain management therapies that can help you manage your symptoms, request an appointment online or over the phone with the team at Jersey Integrative Health and Wellness in Pompton Plains and Jersey City, New Jersey, today.

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